About Us
The Pride Cheerleading Association (PCA) advances charitable cheerleading globally by creating community, developing resources, and spreading cheer in pursuit of equity for every individual in LGBTQ+ spaces and beyond. PCA is an affiliation of Member Teams that raise spirits, awareness, and funds for causes in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond. Conceived in 2004 from the natural evolution of community-based, charitable cheerleading, PCA is now a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization.
PCA's four Pillars of Purpose:
1) DEVELOP new teams and existing teams: Provide education, tools, and infrastructure to grow charitable cheerleading teams.
2) SUPPORT teams and their volunteers: Offer encouragement, inspiration, and guidance to empower member teams and their volunteers to thrive.
3) UNITE member teams and their volunteers: Foster community, collaboration, and belonging across and within member teams.
4) RALLY for LGBTQ+ causes: Raise spirit, awareness, and funds for LGBTQ+ communities and organizations.
The PCA Delegation offers representation to each Member Team and acts as a support network to share resources, experiences, and innovations among established and developing LGBTQ community-based cheer teams.
The PCA Board of Directors guides and governs the corporate operations of PCA and develops and maintains partnerships with like-minded organizations.
PCA is a community partner of the Safe Space Alliance: an LGBTQI+ led non-profit organization that aims to help people identify, navigate, and create safe spaces for the LGBTQI+ community worldwide! Find our name on the international directory of places where LGBTQI+ people can freely express themselves without fear.
PCA is a Full Member Organization of the Federation of Gay Games. Charitable cheerleaders have been at every single cycle since the Gay Games I in 1982 in San Francisco. PCA has been a strong support to both the mission of the Games itself and to the volunCHEERleaders who assemble every four years to cheer for LGBTQ+ athletes, fundraise for charity, and compete for medals. Find our name on this international list of FGG Member organizations.
PCA Board
Meet PCA's Directors and Officers!
Board President
Board Vice President
Board Secretary
Board Director
Board Director
Board Director
Board Treasurer