Spread the spirit of #UnityInDiversity with us at GG11: Hong Kong 2022!
With PRIDE, We announce that PCA's fundraising efforts at Gay Games 10 allowed us to donate
To Le Refuge Paris and the FGG Scholarship Fund
The Pride Cheerleading Association made its 10th appearance at Gay Games 10 in Paris, August 2018. At GG10, the Cheerleaders represented a blend of Culture and Sport, participating in the fanfare of Opening & Closing Ceremonies and competing for medals in a crowd-pleasing Spirit Spectacular!
Wanna learn the PCA cheer like the rest of these athletes did at GG10?
Strap on your bow, and click here

A Worldwide Mission
We do what we do to spread the spirit of philanthropy as far as our cheer shoes will carry us.
The Pride Cheerleading Association partnered with Le Refuge as our primary fundraising beneficiary to carry out our mission in Paris.
The National Association Le Refuge, whose ambassador is the actress and comedian Muriel Robin, is established to prevent and fight against isolation and suicide among LGBT youth, 18 to 25 years, victims of homophobia or transphobia and in situations of family breakdown. For 15 years, Le Refuge has hosted and helped these young adults through emotional and physical reconstruction. Le Refuge includes 18 departmental delegations and 350 volunteers throughout France.
Only € 500 allows them to feed, host and assist 2 young people for an entire month.
Learn more about Le Refuge at